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Welcome to our Par'Eh'Normal Podcast page! A truly Canadian Podcast full of creepy, spooky and fun paranormal content! We will dive into locations we've investigated, topics of the paranormal, listener stories, and more!
Your Hosts: Kaz & Rachel
You can find us on Podbean, Spotify, iHeart Radio and Amazon Music! Make sure you like and follow us so you don't miss out on new episodes and other fun things! Click on your preferred listening method below! New Episodes air every Saturday/Sunday!
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Par'Eh'Normal on Amazon Music
Got a topic, question or story you want to share? Email us at [email protected]
Your Hosts: Kaz & Rachel
You can find us on Podbean, Spotify, iHeart Radio and Amazon Music! Make sure you like and follow us so you don't miss out on new episodes and other fun things! Click on your preferred listening method below! New Episodes air every Saturday/Sunday!
Par'Eh'Normal on Podbean
Par'Eh'Normal on Spotify
Par'Eh'Normal on iHeart Radio
Par'Eh'Normal on Amazon Music
Got a topic, question or story you want to share? Email us at [email protected]
Episode 16 - Urban Legends and Folklore of the Great White north.
Ogopogo, Bluenose Ghost, Wechuge, Big Foot. Urban Legends not only run rampant through the Great White North, but are rich in detail and sightings. Kaz and Rachel discuss the stories that were meant to keep everyone in line, but may have more truth than you know.