Burleigh Falls Inn - Burleigh Falls
August 2-3, 2008
Investigators Present:
Rachel Cross – Founder, Lead Researcher
Jay Wagg – Co-Founder, Audio Recorder, Sensitive.
Ron Hutton – Psychic
David Seager – P/T Member, Videographer.
Originally called The Park Hotel, Burleigh Falls Inn is located in the picturesque Kawartha Lakes. Surrounded by all that nature can offer, Burleigh Island Lodge and Spa is a getaway that is close to home. With a beautiful landscape, and even more beautiful rooms it is no surprise that once you visit the 110 year old building you never want to leave… and that is exactly what some have done.
On Saturday August 2, 2008 four members of The Paranormal Seekers traveled the hour and 45 minutes to the historic Inn that is located on Highway 28 in Burleigh Falls, just on the outskirts of Young’s Point. Not knowing much about the history, Rachel was unsure of exactly what she was allowing her team to jump into, but hoped that it would be an active night. Upon arriving, they were in awe of how beautiful the area was, but they were even more taken back by the large historic building that would soon show that it was not just any ordinary destination.
After receiving their room keys, Rachel, Jay, Ron, and Dave made their way to the second floor where they would be staying. After unpacking some equipment that would be used later on that evening, the four re-grouped and headed down to the main floor to do a little exploring. They thought it would be best to stay low-key for the daylight hours, as they did not want to cause a stir-up with staff, which seemed to be excited about their visit. The four headed outside to take a walk around the property and get a feel for the place.
As they walked around the premises, Ron began to receive psychic impressions on things that have happened on the property. At one point he was drawn towards the marina. As he walked the dock, Ron made his way up an old rickety staircase to a small clearing. Not wanting to miss out on anything important, Rachel, Jay and Dave followed closely behind. It was at this point that Ron began to pick up on more things. Jay was also beginning to feel the sensitivity of the area and was picking up on those impressions as well. “I think this spot is pretty active”, Ron said. “I bet people see things up in this little area all the time”, he continued. With hearing that, the four of them turned around and headed back down the old wooden staircase and back to the dock, wondering if they should visit the point later on that evening.
When they returned to the Inn they went back to Dave’s room for the afternoon. For a room named after the falls, it was only perfect that it had a balcony that faced towards the water. Rachel, Jay, Ron and Dave decided to relax on the balcony and discuss their thoughts about the Inn and what may be around the corner for that night’s investigation. At one point, Jay had to run back to the room he was staying in. Davis Island was the name given to the room, and it was in no way short of being gorgeous. As Jay walked down the hall to the room he was staying in, he noticed something that seemed a bit strange. He heard a door open and as he got closer to his room he saw the door to his room closing. Being a bit cautious, Jay slowly opened the door and took a glance around the room. Nothing seemed out of place, and no one was in there. Upon returning back to where Rachel, Ron, and Dave where, Jay remembered something: The door to that room stays locked from the outside and the only way to get into that room is if you have a key… and Jay was the only one with the key. Excited with what had just happened, Jay shared the news with the rest of the group, along with another interesting tidbit. While Jay was using the bathroom the tap on one of the sinks began to run. With hearing the news, Rachel had a feeling that this was going to be an interesting night.
After dinner, Rachel, Jay, Ron, and Dave returned to their rooms for some quiet time. This allows each of them to clear their heads and make sure that they were fully prepared for the investigation. When they gathered back together, Ron and Dave had some interesting things to share. Dave said that while he was enjoying a nice, warm bath he opened his eyes to find a little girl in a white nightgown staring back at him. When he blinked she was gone. Ron then began to tell of how he was relaxing on the bed in his room, Grassy Island, when a knock was heard at his door. Not only did he hear the knock at the door, but subsequently he heard it down the side of the wall. Thinking that it was just one of the team members, he left it alone. Now realizing that it could not have been one of the team members present, he became intrigued on who was trying to get his attention. Jay also mentioned that he heard knocking on his door at the same time.
At 12:00am, Rachel, Jay, Ron, and Dave headed down to the restaurant area to meet with Jenn, Paul, and whoever else was interested in joining us. Unfortunately it was at that time that they found out that Jenn would not be joining them that evening. Instead, Greg, who is a night manager/security for the Inn joined them. Greg led them down to a large room that use to be the spa but is now used as a conference room. In this room, Ron began to feel the activity around the Inn building up. Jay was also feeling the same, and Dave was starting to get anxious. Each person grabbed a chair and the investigation began. Two of the groups Mediums, Amanda and Crystal, were unable to make it that evening. Prior to the visit, Rachel had shown Amanda and Crystal an old picture of The Park Hotel and had each of them write down any thoughts and impressions that they received when they looked at the picture. These thoughts and impressions were then read out loud to Greg, Paul and Emily. They were then asked if anything seemed to fit with the rumors, history, or strange happenings that have any relation to the Inn or the land. Not wanting to say too much, Greg agreed that many things on the list related to things that he has heard or read about the place, but kept tightlipped about most things, as he wanted to see what Ron could find. **These psychic thoughts and impressions can be found on the last page of this story. **
During our talk, Greg pointed out that the house across the street seemed to give off a not-so-nice aura. “There’s a house across the street?!” Rachel exclaimed. “Yes, it is just right across the street.” Greg replied back. “It has been for sale for the last 4 years. The last people to move in stayed for a very short period of time and moved out rather quickly”, Greg continued. Grabbing their interests at that time, everyone thought that it might be a good idea to visit the property across the street later on that night. However that was soon to change for Rachel and Dave. After they had finished talking about what has happened in the past and present at the Inn, the investigation began. The first stop was the basement.
The basement is divided into two parts. The first part is a low space that is mostly used for storage of decorations and glasses that are not in use. In this area, Ron stated that he did not feel much and that it seemed to be located in the second part of the basement. “What do you feel?” Jay asked. “It feels like there are lay lines that run underneath this part. It is a feeding point for spirits”, Ron answered. Ron was then drawn to a crawl space that links both sides of the basement. “I feel my knees getting weak”, Ron said out loud. “I also sense a small child. I feel like this energy is coming from the other side”, continued Ron. It was at this point that the group decided it was best to visit the second part of the basement. As each person made their way to the second part of the basement, Ron began to say how this particular side had a lot more activity. As the group descended down the stairs, Ron was drawn to the space located underneath the stairs. “I’m getting that the area on the other side of this wall was used for something along the lines of a picnic area”, Ron told everyone. Greg agreed. As the group entered the basement, Ron began to get tingles. “Someone was locked down here at one point. I’m feeling anger and mischief. They are angry that they got trapped, but not at who did. They are angrier at themselves that they let it happen”, Ron said as he looked around the room. “It feels like it is a curator that has passed away but has come back. They enjoy locking people in”, Ron stated. “Things get moved around down here. Something always gets put in front of people’s feet, like boxes. I also feel a man that is by the recycling bins. He plays with the bins by opening and closing them”, Ron went on to say. Ron was then drawn over to the refrigerated area that is located on the right hand side. “I’m picking up on a lot of residual energy, but I just can’t make out what it is”, Ron confessed. “I don’t find that this area is very active. He likes to ‘play’ where everyone else is. It appears to be more active at the front part of this basement near the stairs. Boxes, lights, and doors are what they notice the most down here”, Ron explained. The group was then led to the refrigerated area located in the back centre of the basement. “I’m getting a ‘G’ sounding name. It could be a first or last, but I am leaning more towards it being a first. But these are the doors that always get shut on people aren’t they?” Ron asked. Greg agreed.
After the basement, the team entered a front office area. According to Greg, this area was the oldest part of the building, being that it was the originally lobby. Ron began to describe what he was picking up. “I’m seeing a gentleman standing in here. He is about 6 feet tall, salt and pepper hair. He was a dapper man. He’s wearing a brown pinstriped suit and he appears to be angry. I see him standing in the left hand corner. There appears to be a lot of anger in this room. It could be from the past or present”, Ron told everyone. Not wanting to disturb the angry spirit, we decided that it was best for the group to head outside.
The team made their way outside, followed by Greg, Paul and Emily. Ron was once again drawn back to the marina and to where he had ventured earlier. “I smell roses. Why do I always smell roses”, Ron stated. “Maybe you have some long, lost love that keeps following you around”, Jay joked. When they arrived at the marina, Ron and the rest of the team stood at the top of the incline that led down to the water and looked over to the point. “Was there a lynching on this property?” Ron asked. “Yes, yes there was”, Greg responded back. “I feel as if this tree has something to do with it”, continued Ron as he pointed to a tree that curved towards the water. What Greg said next shocked Ron and the rest of the team: “Yes, that tree has something to do with the lynching. The guy being lynched was supposedly hung from that exact tree that you are pointing out.” As we continued to look at the point, Ron and Jay began to notice something else. “I think I just seen something by that tree”, Jay stated as he pointed to the tree that was just finished being discussed. “I see a woman and she looks as if she is glowing. She is wearing pants. This means that she is from a different era than the others that I have seen here. She is about mid 20’s or younger. She is now turning around and walking back up the point”, Ron said. “Now this lady is back and she is wearing something different. It looks like a long white dress”, Ron continued to say. “She is turning around now, and she is gone”, Ron explained. With hearing that the group decided that it was best to move on.
As the group walked along the north-east side of the Inn, they were not prepared for what was about to happen. As they rounded the corner the team got a good scare when they came face to face with Fred: a large, well-fed Raccoon that did not seem happy that they had walked in on his dinner. It was a good laugh for most, except for Rachel, who has a fear of raccoons.
As the team converged together in the parking lot, Greg asked if we were interested in going across the street to the property that he had previously told us about. “I don’t know about going over there”, Dave whispered to Rachel. “I keep hearing this deep voice telling me not to go over there.” Not wanting to hold anyone back, Rachel, Jay, Ron, Dave, Greg, Paul, and Emily gathered up their courage and walked across the road to the unoccupied house. As they ventured on the property, something did not feel right. “I feel like I am staring at the Amityville Horror house”, Rachel said to Dave. “I just get the heeby jeebies”, Rachel continued. “I’m not going any closer to the house, nor do I want to”, Dave stated. The pair decided that it was best for them to stay on the property line while the others investigated the property and the house. It was only a matter of minutes before Rachel and Dave could no longer stand at the property line and look into the darkness at the abandoned house. “I can’t stand here anymore; I need to go back across the street. I feel like I am being watched from the windows”, Rachel said to Dave. Dave agreed. “I feel like there is a man watching us”, Dave added. “I’m starting to feel sick to my stomach. I think we should go now”, Rachel said to Dave. Dave was quick to agree and both walked back across the street to the parking lot. “I don’t know what is worse. Being near that house or having a hungry, mean raccoon staring me down”, Rachel joked with Dave. Both of them agreed that the raccoon seemed to be a much better option.
Meanwhile Jay, Ron, Greg, Paul, and Emily decided to take a tour around the house. “This place is eerie. People must get bad feelings about this place” Greg said. “The story is that there are two women buried on the property that dates back to the 1900s”, he continued. Jay decided to take a picture of the property. “It’s nothing but black!” exclaimed Jay as he looked at the picture he just took. “I can see the trees, but where the house is supposed to be there is nothing. It is like it doesn’t even exist”, he went on to say. As the group made their way to the front door, Jay begins to complain that he has a heavy feeling in his chest. Ron agrees with what Jay is saying, and also complains of a heavy feeling in his chest. “I keep hearing screaming, screeching” states Ron as they walk along the north-west side of the property. “I see a tall person. It’s a black shadow. There is movement at the front. I can see two black shadows now”, Jay said. “Now I can sense two children”, he continued. “I agree”, Ron answered. As they walked towards the back of the house, they come to a large back deck. “Well, I was going to go up and take a look in, but now I don’t want to get close to the house”, Jay says out loud. The group continues around to the side of the house where Jay notices that the blinds on the second floor seem to be moving. “I see them moving as well”, Ron said. “We are being watched. They’re following us around the house, and I can still hear screaming”, Ron continued to say. As the group made their way back to the front of the house, Ron noticed that his batteries were nearly dead on his camera. This prompted them to return to the parking lot were Rachel and Dave were waiting for them. Once the team was reunited, Ron checked the battery life on his camera. Strangely, the camera once again had full battery power.
They returned back to the main lobby of the Inn. As they entered the reception area, Jay decided to take a seat on the couch. “My back feels really cold”, Jay said. “Someone should take a picture.” It was at this point that Dave took a picture of Jay’s back. **Later on that evening when reviewing the pictures, we noticed a large orb that is located right behind Jay when he was sitting on the couch. **
Greg was interested in showing us the third floor of the Inn. We quietly ventured up the staircases to the top floor. We arrived at a room that was beautifully decorated and was described to the team as their bridal suite. Upon walking into the room, Ron began to pick up on a lot of emotions. “This area use to be an attic, a getaway point. I’m getting a sad feeling. I can sense a lonely feeling, as well as verbal and physical abuse. This woman would come to this area”, Ron told the group. “She eventually passed away from this abuse. Now I don’t think it was the abuse itself that killed her, but it was part of it. She comes back to this area because she feels comfortable here”, Ron continued to say. “I’m getting the feeling that she was not a part of the family, but in a sense she was. I feel like she was a housekeeper, but she was also a mistress. She was abused by the owner”, Ron explained. “From what I have heard it was a housekeeper that was a former owner’s mistress. She was murdered, either by the owner or another female. It was said that he was the one that killed her, but I don’t think that is true. It was either a wife, or another lover that killed her. I am unsure if this owner was ever married, but they never found out who did it”, Greg added. “It was a female”, Ron stated. “Do you ever get guests complaining of crying?” Ron asked. “Yes we do. But not specifically in this area, but all around the hotel”, Greg answered. With saying that Ron began to feel as if someone was watching as he began to get tingles up his back. It was decided at this point to head back to the main floor and allow the spirit of the woman to have her space.
After talking briefly, everyone thought it would be best to head into the restaurant and conduct a séance. Sitting in the large, spacious dining area Rachel, Jay, Ron, Dave, Greg, Paul and Emily sat around two dining tables that they had push together to make one large one. Placing a glass upside-down in the middle of the table, Ron led them through a small meditation exercise before they began. With Rachel, Jay, and Ron participating, each placed one finger on the top of the bottom of the glass. Ron began to ask questions. Soon the glass began to move.
“Are you male?” No answer.
“Are you a boy?” No answer.
“Are you a girl?” The glass began to move towards Rachel.
“You are a girl?” Yes.
“Are you an older girl?” No.
“So you are a young girl?” Yes.
“Are you 12 years old?” Yes.
“Do you like to play with the staff?” Maybe.
“Is your name Jennifer?” Yes. **Ron then stated that that was the first name that came to him. **
“Do you like it here?” Yes.
“Is there someone sleeping in your room tonight?” No Answer.
“Is there someone else with you?” Yes.
“Are you related to them?” No.
“Did you die here?” Rachel asked. No, was the answer.
“Do you know you are dead?” Ron then added. The answer to that was also no.
Ron decided that it was time to allow someone else to participate. Emily volunteered and placed her finger on the glass. Though many questions were asked, none of them were answered. It was soon apparent that the spirit of the little girl was growing tired of the game. It was then decided to bring out the spirit board in hopes that the little girl may be more interested in that. After trying hard to grab her attention, the spirit of the little girl began to move the planchette. The planchette slowly moved around the board but did not spell out anything. Ron had Paul join in, but the planchette stayed in one place. “I think she is getting tired of the game, or she just doesn’t have enough energy to move it”, Ron said. With saying that the planchette stopped moving, and the spirit of the little girl left. Paul and Emily decided that it was also time for them to depart. After they left, Rachel, Jay, Ron, Dave and Greg tried unsuccessfully to communicate with anyone else in spirit form. Since nothing was happening, they decided to call it a night. Before retiring to their rooms they headed to the outdoor patio and talked with Greg about the Inn and the property.
The morning came quickly and before they knew it, they were saying their goodbyes. Leaving was hard because no one wanted to go. Rachel, Jay, Ron, and Dave were still in awe over the beauty and grandeur of the Burleigh Falls Inn. “What an interesting night”, Rachel said as they pulled away from the Inn. “I just have this feeling that something wants us to come back”, she continued as she watched the Inn fade away into the background. “I just have that gut feeling.
Amanda and Crystal’s Psychic Impressions
Amanda's Psychic Impressions
Crystal's Psychic Impressions
Investigators Present:
Rachel Cross – Founder, Lead Researcher
Jay Wagg – Co-Founder, Audio Recorder, Sensitive.
Ron Hutton – Psychic
David Seager – P/T Member, Videographer.
Originally called The Park Hotel, Burleigh Falls Inn is located in the picturesque Kawartha Lakes. Surrounded by all that nature can offer, Burleigh Island Lodge and Spa is a getaway that is close to home. With a beautiful landscape, and even more beautiful rooms it is no surprise that once you visit the 110 year old building you never want to leave… and that is exactly what some have done.
On Saturday August 2, 2008 four members of The Paranormal Seekers traveled the hour and 45 minutes to the historic Inn that is located on Highway 28 in Burleigh Falls, just on the outskirts of Young’s Point. Not knowing much about the history, Rachel was unsure of exactly what she was allowing her team to jump into, but hoped that it would be an active night. Upon arriving, they were in awe of how beautiful the area was, but they were even more taken back by the large historic building that would soon show that it was not just any ordinary destination.
After receiving their room keys, Rachel, Jay, Ron, and Dave made their way to the second floor where they would be staying. After unpacking some equipment that would be used later on that evening, the four re-grouped and headed down to the main floor to do a little exploring. They thought it would be best to stay low-key for the daylight hours, as they did not want to cause a stir-up with staff, which seemed to be excited about their visit. The four headed outside to take a walk around the property and get a feel for the place.
As they walked around the premises, Ron began to receive psychic impressions on things that have happened on the property. At one point he was drawn towards the marina. As he walked the dock, Ron made his way up an old rickety staircase to a small clearing. Not wanting to miss out on anything important, Rachel, Jay and Dave followed closely behind. It was at this point that Ron began to pick up on more things. Jay was also beginning to feel the sensitivity of the area and was picking up on those impressions as well. “I think this spot is pretty active”, Ron said. “I bet people see things up in this little area all the time”, he continued. With hearing that, the four of them turned around and headed back down the old wooden staircase and back to the dock, wondering if they should visit the point later on that evening.
When they returned to the Inn they went back to Dave’s room for the afternoon. For a room named after the falls, it was only perfect that it had a balcony that faced towards the water. Rachel, Jay, Ron and Dave decided to relax on the balcony and discuss their thoughts about the Inn and what may be around the corner for that night’s investigation. At one point, Jay had to run back to the room he was staying in. Davis Island was the name given to the room, and it was in no way short of being gorgeous. As Jay walked down the hall to the room he was staying in, he noticed something that seemed a bit strange. He heard a door open and as he got closer to his room he saw the door to his room closing. Being a bit cautious, Jay slowly opened the door and took a glance around the room. Nothing seemed out of place, and no one was in there. Upon returning back to where Rachel, Ron, and Dave where, Jay remembered something: The door to that room stays locked from the outside and the only way to get into that room is if you have a key… and Jay was the only one with the key. Excited with what had just happened, Jay shared the news with the rest of the group, along with another interesting tidbit. While Jay was using the bathroom the tap on one of the sinks began to run. With hearing the news, Rachel had a feeling that this was going to be an interesting night.
After dinner, Rachel, Jay, Ron, and Dave returned to their rooms for some quiet time. This allows each of them to clear their heads and make sure that they were fully prepared for the investigation. When they gathered back together, Ron and Dave had some interesting things to share. Dave said that while he was enjoying a nice, warm bath he opened his eyes to find a little girl in a white nightgown staring back at him. When he blinked she was gone. Ron then began to tell of how he was relaxing on the bed in his room, Grassy Island, when a knock was heard at his door. Not only did he hear the knock at the door, but subsequently he heard it down the side of the wall. Thinking that it was just one of the team members, he left it alone. Now realizing that it could not have been one of the team members present, he became intrigued on who was trying to get his attention. Jay also mentioned that he heard knocking on his door at the same time.
At 12:00am, Rachel, Jay, Ron, and Dave headed down to the restaurant area to meet with Jenn, Paul, and whoever else was interested in joining us. Unfortunately it was at that time that they found out that Jenn would not be joining them that evening. Instead, Greg, who is a night manager/security for the Inn joined them. Greg led them down to a large room that use to be the spa but is now used as a conference room. In this room, Ron began to feel the activity around the Inn building up. Jay was also feeling the same, and Dave was starting to get anxious. Each person grabbed a chair and the investigation began. Two of the groups Mediums, Amanda and Crystal, were unable to make it that evening. Prior to the visit, Rachel had shown Amanda and Crystal an old picture of The Park Hotel and had each of them write down any thoughts and impressions that they received when they looked at the picture. These thoughts and impressions were then read out loud to Greg, Paul and Emily. They were then asked if anything seemed to fit with the rumors, history, or strange happenings that have any relation to the Inn or the land. Not wanting to say too much, Greg agreed that many things on the list related to things that he has heard or read about the place, but kept tightlipped about most things, as he wanted to see what Ron could find. **These psychic thoughts and impressions can be found on the last page of this story. **
During our talk, Greg pointed out that the house across the street seemed to give off a not-so-nice aura. “There’s a house across the street?!” Rachel exclaimed. “Yes, it is just right across the street.” Greg replied back. “It has been for sale for the last 4 years. The last people to move in stayed for a very short period of time and moved out rather quickly”, Greg continued. Grabbing their interests at that time, everyone thought that it might be a good idea to visit the property across the street later on that night. However that was soon to change for Rachel and Dave. After they had finished talking about what has happened in the past and present at the Inn, the investigation began. The first stop was the basement.
The basement is divided into two parts. The first part is a low space that is mostly used for storage of decorations and glasses that are not in use. In this area, Ron stated that he did not feel much and that it seemed to be located in the second part of the basement. “What do you feel?” Jay asked. “It feels like there are lay lines that run underneath this part. It is a feeding point for spirits”, Ron answered. Ron was then drawn to a crawl space that links both sides of the basement. “I feel my knees getting weak”, Ron said out loud. “I also sense a small child. I feel like this energy is coming from the other side”, continued Ron. It was at this point that the group decided it was best to visit the second part of the basement. As each person made their way to the second part of the basement, Ron began to say how this particular side had a lot more activity. As the group descended down the stairs, Ron was drawn to the space located underneath the stairs. “I’m getting that the area on the other side of this wall was used for something along the lines of a picnic area”, Ron told everyone. Greg agreed. As the group entered the basement, Ron began to get tingles. “Someone was locked down here at one point. I’m feeling anger and mischief. They are angry that they got trapped, but not at who did. They are angrier at themselves that they let it happen”, Ron said as he looked around the room. “It feels like it is a curator that has passed away but has come back. They enjoy locking people in”, Ron stated. “Things get moved around down here. Something always gets put in front of people’s feet, like boxes. I also feel a man that is by the recycling bins. He plays with the bins by opening and closing them”, Ron went on to say. Ron was then drawn over to the refrigerated area that is located on the right hand side. “I’m picking up on a lot of residual energy, but I just can’t make out what it is”, Ron confessed. “I don’t find that this area is very active. He likes to ‘play’ where everyone else is. It appears to be more active at the front part of this basement near the stairs. Boxes, lights, and doors are what they notice the most down here”, Ron explained. The group was then led to the refrigerated area located in the back centre of the basement. “I’m getting a ‘G’ sounding name. It could be a first or last, but I am leaning more towards it being a first. But these are the doors that always get shut on people aren’t they?” Ron asked. Greg agreed.
After the basement, the team entered a front office area. According to Greg, this area was the oldest part of the building, being that it was the originally lobby. Ron began to describe what he was picking up. “I’m seeing a gentleman standing in here. He is about 6 feet tall, salt and pepper hair. He was a dapper man. He’s wearing a brown pinstriped suit and he appears to be angry. I see him standing in the left hand corner. There appears to be a lot of anger in this room. It could be from the past or present”, Ron told everyone. Not wanting to disturb the angry spirit, we decided that it was best for the group to head outside.
The team made their way outside, followed by Greg, Paul and Emily. Ron was once again drawn back to the marina and to where he had ventured earlier. “I smell roses. Why do I always smell roses”, Ron stated. “Maybe you have some long, lost love that keeps following you around”, Jay joked. When they arrived at the marina, Ron and the rest of the team stood at the top of the incline that led down to the water and looked over to the point. “Was there a lynching on this property?” Ron asked. “Yes, yes there was”, Greg responded back. “I feel as if this tree has something to do with it”, continued Ron as he pointed to a tree that curved towards the water. What Greg said next shocked Ron and the rest of the team: “Yes, that tree has something to do with the lynching. The guy being lynched was supposedly hung from that exact tree that you are pointing out.” As we continued to look at the point, Ron and Jay began to notice something else. “I think I just seen something by that tree”, Jay stated as he pointed to the tree that was just finished being discussed. “I see a woman and she looks as if she is glowing. She is wearing pants. This means that she is from a different era than the others that I have seen here. She is about mid 20’s or younger. She is now turning around and walking back up the point”, Ron said. “Now this lady is back and she is wearing something different. It looks like a long white dress”, Ron continued to say. “She is turning around now, and she is gone”, Ron explained. With hearing that the group decided that it was best to move on.
As the group walked along the north-east side of the Inn, they were not prepared for what was about to happen. As they rounded the corner the team got a good scare when they came face to face with Fred: a large, well-fed Raccoon that did not seem happy that they had walked in on his dinner. It was a good laugh for most, except for Rachel, who has a fear of raccoons.
As the team converged together in the parking lot, Greg asked if we were interested in going across the street to the property that he had previously told us about. “I don’t know about going over there”, Dave whispered to Rachel. “I keep hearing this deep voice telling me not to go over there.” Not wanting to hold anyone back, Rachel, Jay, Ron, Dave, Greg, Paul, and Emily gathered up their courage and walked across the road to the unoccupied house. As they ventured on the property, something did not feel right. “I feel like I am staring at the Amityville Horror house”, Rachel said to Dave. “I just get the heeby jeebies”, Rachel continued. “I’m not going any closer to the house, nor do I want to”, Dave stated. The pair decided that it was best for them to stay on the property line while the others investigated the property and the house. It was only a matter of minutes before Rachel and Dave could no longer stand at the property line and look into the darkness at the abandoned house. “I can’t stand here anymore; I need to go back across the street. I feel like I am being watched from the windows”, Rachel said to Dave. Dave agreed. “I feel like there is a man watching us”, Dave added. “I’m starting to feel sick to my stomach. I think we should go now”, Rachel said to Dave. Dave was quick to agree and both walked back across the street to the parking lot. “I don’t know what is worse. Being near that house or having a hungry, mean raccoon staring me down”, Rachel joked with Dave. Both of them agreed that the raccoon seemed to be a much better option.
Meanwhile Jay, Ron, Greg, Paul, and Emily decided to take a tour around the house. “This place is eerie. People must get bad feelings about this place” Greg said. “The story is that there are two women buried on the property that dates back to the 1900s”, he continued. Jay decided to take a picture of the property. “It’s nothing but black!” exclaimed Jay as he looked at the picture he just took. “I can see the trees, but where the house is supposed to be there is nothing. It is like it doesn’t even exist”, he went on to say. As the group made their way to the front door, Jay begins to complain that he has a heavy feeling in his chest. Ron agrees with what Jay is saying, and also complains of a heavy feeling in his chest. “I keep hearing screaming, screeching” states Ron as they walk along the north-west side of the property. “I see a tall person. It’s a black shadow. There is movement at the front. I can see two black shadows now”, Jay said. “Now I can sense two children”, he continued. “I agree”, Ron answered. As they walked towards the back of the house, they come to a large back deck. “Well, I was going to go up and take a look in, but now I don’t want to get close to the house”, Jay says out loud. The group continues around to the side of the house where Jay notices that the blinds on the second floor seem to be moving. “I see them moving as well”, Ron said. “We are being watched. They’re following us around the house, and I can still hear screaming”, Ron continued to say. As the group made their way back to the front of the house, Ron noticed that his batteries were nearly dead on his camera. This prompted them to return to the parking lot were Rachel and Dave were waiting for them. Once the team was reunited, Ron checked the battery life on his camera. Strangely, the camera once again had full battery power.
They returned back to the main lobby of the Inn. As they entered the reception area, Jay decided to take a seat on the couch. “My back feels really cold”, Jay said. “Someone should take a picture.” It was at this point that Dave took a picture of Jay’s back. **Later on that evening when reviewing the pictures, we noticed a large orb that is located right behind Jay when he was sitting on the couch. **
Greg was interested in showing us the third floor of the Inn. We quietly ventured up the staircases to the top floor. We arrived at a room that was beautifully decorated and was described to the team as their bridal suite. Upon walking into the room, Ron began to pick up on a lot of emotions. “This area use to be an attic, a getaway point. I’m getting a sad feeling. I can sense a lonely feeling, as well as verbal and physical abuse. This woman would come to this area”, Ron told the group. “She eventually passed away from this abuse. Now I don’t think it was the abuse itself that killed her, but it was part of it. She comes back to this area because she feels comfortable here”, Ron continued to say. “I’m getting the feeling that she was not a part of the family, but in a sense she was. I feel like she was a housekeeper, but she was also a mistress. She was abused by the owner”, Ron explained. “From what I have heard it was a housekeeper that was a former owner’s mistress. She was murdered, either by the owner or another female. It was said that he was the one that killed her, but I don’t think that is true. It was either a wife, or another lover that killed her. I am unsure if this owner was ever married, but they never found out who did it”, Greg added. “It was a female”, Ron stated. “Do you ever get guests complaining of crying?” Ron asked. “Yes we do. But not specifically in this area, but all around the hotel”, Greg answered. With saying that Ron began to feel as if someone was watching as he began to get tingles up his back. It was decided at this point to head back to the main floor and allow the spirit of the woman to have her space.
After talking briefly, everyone thought it would be best to head into the restaurant and conduct a séance. Sitting in the large, spacious dining area Rachel, Jay, Ron, Dave, Greg, Paul and Emily sat around two dining tables that they had push together to make one large one. Placing a glass upside-down in the middle of the table, Ron led them through a small meditation exercise before they began. With Rachel, Jay, and Ron participating, each placed one finger on the top of the bottom of the glass. Ron began to ask questions. Soon the glass began to move.
“Are you male?” No answer.
“Are you a boy?” No answer.
“Are you a girl?” The glass began to move towards Rachel.
“You are a girl?” Yes.
“Are you an older girl?” No.
“So you are a young girl?” Yes.
“Are you 12 years old?” Yes.
“Do you like to play with the staff?” Maybe.
“Is your name Jennifer?” Yes. **Ron then stated that that was the first name that came to him. **
“Do you like it here?” Yes.
“Is there someone sleeping in your room tonight?” No Answer.
“Is there someone else with you?” Yes.
“Are you related to them?” No.
“Did you die here?” Rachel asked. No, was the answer.
“Do you know you are dead?” Ron then added. The answer to that was also no.
Ron decided that it was time to allow someone else to participate. Emily volunteered and placed her finger on the glass. Though many questions were asked, none of them were answered. It was soon apparent that the spirit of the little girl was growing tired of the game. It was then decided to bring out the spirit board in hopes that the little girl may be more interested in that. After trying hard to grab her attention, the spirit of the little girl began to move the planchette. The planchette slowly moved around the board but did not spell out anything. Ron had Paul join in, but the planchette stayed in one place. “I think she is getting tired of the game, or she just doesn’t have enough energy to move it”, Ron said. With saying that the planchette stopped moving, and the spirit of the little girl left. Paul and Emily decided that it was also time for them to depart. After they left, Rachel, Jay, Ron, Dave and Greg tried unsuccessfully to communicate with anyone else in spirit form. Since nothing was happening, they decided to call it a night. Before retiring to their rooms they headed to the outdoor patio and talked with Greg about the Inn and the property.
The morning came quickly and before they knew it, they were saying their goodbyes. Leaving was hard because no one wanted to go. Rachel, Jay, Ron, and Dave were still in awe over the beauty and grandeur of the Burleigh Falls Inn. “What an interesting night”, Rachel said as they pulled away from the Inn. “I just have this feeling that something wants us to come back”, she continued as she watched the Inn fade away into the background. “I just have that gut feeling.
Amanda and Crystal’s Psychic Impressions
Amanda's Psychic Impressions
- One mischievous spirit. Likes to scare people because he thinks it's funny. It is a male.
- There is a black man, kind of hinted on slavery.
- The names Steven, Victoria, and Anastasia.
- Something to do with an old wooden stove.
- 20s-30s era woman who has short curly hair (flapper style), average height, light coloured eyes, thin. She is arguing with a man and she is getting upset. Like a lover's quarrel.
- Something to do with water, drowning.
- A stocky, chubby man - balding. Has a stern persona but is actually a nice man.
- People have heard doors banging, lights going on/off, whispers, white shadows.
- A last name beginning with 'H'.
- Feels like someone died or is buried outside of the building.
- One spirit does not like recent changes. Wants them to change it back. Could be something like new paint, something was removed and moved to another room, etc.
- Love affair - there is a note in the wall. Someone is putting it there and someone else is coming to get it. A secret.
- Saw an image of blood on the floor - someone was trying to scrub it out.
- Someone is on the land - buried.
- Two women who are very prominent - maybe passed on? Could be related or really close. They are in a picture together.
- A little boy.
Crystal's Psychic Impressions
- There is a little girl, about 10 - 12 y.o.a. She has her hair in little ringlets, like ponytails, beside her face. She carries a little porcelain doll, long dress to the mid-calves, stockings, little black patent shoes. When asked who she is, she states that she is the Barber's daughter. When asked to the Barber, a stocky bald man with bi-focal on a chain, a turned up curly mustache, wearing a white lab coat appears.
- The little girl appears at the stop of a staircase near the entrance. There is also someone in the hallway, an older woman, from a Victorian sort of era, with a bun, soft face and features, very tall and slim. She also enters the kitchen, and very much likes the cook that is currently working at this location.
- There is a small child around the cook. It seems to be a child that has passed. It could also be a child yet to be born, but it is hard to discern. There is also an older child that has passed and frequently visits the staff. It belongs to a staff member either past or present. Their death was accidental and absolutely nothing could have changed the outcome. Also seeing someone that went through chemo: no hair, big smile, and brilliant sparkly eyes.
- Hearing a guitar of some sort playing in a room. Looks like a room facing out to a field with French doors and the guitar player sits in the corner and looks out the window. If you were to walk into the room, the doors would be straight ahead and the corner is to your right.
- There is also a doctor and dentist. Reminds me of a clinic that had all these different people involved. Sort of like a mall, but in a house. A shared practice of sorts.
- There is a barrel tipped over in the basement with something spilling out - either powder or wine - hard to make out. This could be either past or present. It involves an accident so be careful.
- Also see a big trade axe or something like weapons hanging in one area. A darker room with a lot of wood - Maybe a bar? Or a restaurant seating area?
- Someone is blowing on a fire in the fireplace and blowing out candles. They don't like fire int he Inn. And that's exactly how they say it.
- There is an attic space or storage area that is shows three locks or something. Someone wants out or to be released from that area.
- There is also a bathroom or toilet flushing in one room by itself maybe?