Salem Cemetery - Ajax
Salem Cemetary is located in Ajax, Ontario. We have visited many times and although we can say we’ve never experienced any true ghostly activity, our Mediums have picked up on the residual energies of a man and a small girl, the girl we believe to have photographed near the gates. You can see clearly in the photo that it appears the gates touch the ground, they do not, when inspecting the photo up close in person it makes for an interesting observation.
While we feel that most cemeteries are not haunted, several Mediums we have taken to visit Salem have reported a few sightings in the nearby woods and property of spirit activity. The male spirit our Mediums have connected with seems to be associated with the small church onsite. Although in previous years the cemetery has been victim to vandalism, it appears that no further damage has been done however many of the damaged stones remain in disrepair.
While we feel that most cemeteries are not haunted, several Mediums we have taken to visit Salem have reported a few sightings in the nearby woods and property of spirit activity. The male spirit our Mediums have connected with seems to be associated with the small church onsite. Although in previous years the cemetery has been victim to vandalism, it appears that no further damage has been done however many of the damaged stones remain in disrepair.