The brunswick Hotel
Colborne, Ont.
June 15, 2019
**Please keep in mind that this location is private property. Trespassing is strictly prohibited, and the site is under 24-hour surveillance. Please respect the property and its owner**
It was a gloomy day and a light rain was falling as we arrived in Cramahe Township. The weather seemed to correspond with the feelings and experiences behind the location we were about to investigate. As we turned the corner on to the main street, a large, historical building loomed on our left. We pulled around to the back and it was then that we could feel the energy that this location was giving off. We had arrived at The Brunswick Hotel.
Located in Colborne, Ontario, The Brunswick Hotel was one of the bustling locales of its time. Built around 1882, The Brunswick Hotel was the winter home for many of Colborne’s elite families (It was considerable cheaper to live in the hotel during the cold months then it was to heat a large home). Through out the years the hotel switched hands many times, eventually changing its name to The Wolfraim Hotel (named after its then proprietor, Fredrick James Wolfraim). The Hotel was not void of its share of tragedies. In 1960 a fire started in an unused kitchen at the back of the hotel. Luckily the hotel was unoccupied by humans at the time, but the fire caused significant damage, resulting in the deaths of 3 cats on the second floor. In recent years, there have been a couple of individuals who have jumped out of a third story window to their fate. This has reportedly been the same window, in the same unit, but at different times. A few years ago, an outer wall collapsed resulting in an evacuation of the building and its tenants. Today, the location is empty and undergoing extensive renovations to preserve its historic value and provide new living quarters for tenants
We met with out host for the evening, Diane, in the parking lot. Diane shared with us many experiences that have happened at the location – Apparitions, hearing voices, things moving, feelings of uneasiness and negativity. She also explained how they have gone through many contractors, who began exhibiting strange behaviours after being in the building. It seemed to us that someone, or something, was not impressed with the renovations and changes within the walls. It was time to venture in and see what stories this location was willing to share and who wanted to tell them. As we discussed things in the parking lot, a few members noticed someone walking by one of the second story windows. It was assumed that there was a male worker was still in the building, as the person appeared to be wearing white. It was soon realized that no one was in the building. The mystery of the evening began to deepen.
Located in Colborne, Ontario, The Brunswick Hotel was one of the bustling locales of its time. Built around 1882, The Brunswick Hotel was the winter home for many of Colborne’s elite families (It was considerable cheaper to live in the hotel during the cold months then it was to heat a large home). Through out the years the hotel switched hands many times, eventually changing its name to The Wolfraim Hotel (named after its then proprietor, Fredrick James Wolfraim). The Hotel was not void of its share of tragedies. In 1960 a fire started in an unused kitchen at the back of the hotel. Luckily the hotel was unoccupied by humans at the time, but the fire caused significant damage, resulting in the deaths of 3 cats on the second floor. In recent years, there have been a couple of individuals who have jumped out of a third story window to their fate. This has reportedly been the same window, in the same unit, but at different times. A few years ago, an outer wall collapsed resulting in an evacuation of the building and its tenants. Today, the location is empty and undergoing extensive renovations to preserve its historic value and provide new living quarters for tenants
We met with out host for the evening, Diane, in the parking lot. Diane shared with us many experiences that have happened at the location – Apparitions, hearing voices, things moving, feelings of uneasiness and negativity. She also explained how they have gone through many contractors, who began exhibiting strange behaviours after being in the building. It seemed to us that someone, or something, was not impressed with the renovations and changes within the walls. It was time to venture in and see what stories this location was willing to share and who wanted to tell them. As we discussed things in the parking lot, a few members noticed someone walking by one of the second story windows. It was assumed that there was a male worker was still in the building, as the person appeared to be wearing white. It was soon realized that no one was in the building. The mystery of the evening began to deepen.
We entered the building on the first floor and headed up the grand staircase to the second floor, where we placed our equipment in one of the open apartments. We then began a walk through of the location, to get familiar with our surroundings. This evening, we had a guest Medium with us – Lisa. We decided to split into two groups to do a walk around. One group lead by Jay, and the other, lead by Lisa. It wasn’t very long before Lisa began to describe what she was feeling and seeing. At the front of the third floor, Lisa began to describe who she was seeing. “There is a little old lady here. ‘Edna’, ‘Edith’. Something with an E-D. She is not harmful, she is just here,” she said. “Just chilling,” Rachel commented. Towards the back of the third floor, the group entered one of the units. Lisa immediately when to the very back and placed her hand on the brick wall, that was still black and charred from the fire in the 1960s. “It’s like a movie reel of memories,” Lisa stated. “I’ve never had that before,” she continued. “There is a female. Blonde. Her emotions are strong. I asked for her name,” she said. “‘S’ – Sylvia? Samantha? Sylvie?” she questioned. “Can you tell us why you’re sad?” asked Paula. “Lost love,” replied Lisa. “She was hear around the 30’s” she added. “Maybe after the war?” questioned Paula. “No, not the war,” replied Lisa. ‘He just died. Lost love just died,” she added. “Was he young? Old?” asked Paula. “She was in her 20’s, so he was about the same,” stated Lisa. Lisa then shifted, quickly removing her hand from the wall. “A new energy just came in. Don’t like it,” she said. “It’s a man. He is very aggressive,” she added. ‘Is this recent or past?” asked Rachel. “I’m not sure,” replied Lisa. “He’s just really aggressive,” she added. The group crossed the hall and entered another unit. In this unit, a bag that contained a coconut and a kiwi was hanging from the window (this is apparently a Sri Lankan way of protection). “I feel like the bag of fruit gets moved,” said Lisa. “People see it moving from the window,” she continued. As the group moved about the unit, Lisa began to pick up on a couple new energies. “There are two little kids in here,” she said. “I hear them. It shocks me because this is just a one-bedroom unit,” she added. “I feel like there was a little family living in here. The kids here are afraid of the energy out there,” stated Lisa, pointing towards the hallway. “Do you know if they are male, female?” asked Rachel. “Boy and Girl,” answered Lisa. “Do you know what the boy looks like?” Rachel asked. “Sandy blonde hair. 40’s, 50’s era. Little shorts, white shirt, freckles, brown eyes,” replied Lisa. “The little girl has tight ringlets, light coloured hair,” she added. “They are definitely afraid of this guy,” Lisa stated, as the group exited the unit. “Is he just up here or throughout the whole building?” Rachel inquired. “He mostly stays up here, but he does go all over,” replied Lisa. “So, he’s a wanderer. Great,” replied Rachel. As the group made their way back to the stairs, we made another quick visit to a unit at the front of the building. Although this unit was quiet (minus the dying batteries in smoke detector), Lisa did feel something. “I hear someone crying in this room,” she said.
The group made their way to the second floor and headed to their right. We entered a unit and Lisa began to sense an energy. “There is a man in here,” she stated. It had then dawned on the group that this was the room that some of the team had stated they saw man walk by the window, before we had even entered the building. We continued to move about the units at the front of the second floor. “There is an energy imprint in here. It’s okay. It’s just an imprint, not them,” stated Lisa as we looked about a unit at the front. We then moved to the middle units. “I can breathe in this one,” Lisa said. “Again, there is energy, just not spirits,” she added. As we moved closer to the back units, Lisa began to feel uneasy again. We entered one of the units, where Lisa was immediately taken aback. “When I come in here, I just feel that angry energy,” she said. “Like angry, angry energy. Like he could have been violent,” she added. “I wonder if he is just angry in general, angry over what has happened, or angry over the renovations throughout the year,” questioned Rachel. “And who is ‘He’?” asked Paula. “Maybe an original owner?” Rachel inquired. “Definitely a ‘T’, ‘Tom’?” Lisa said. ‘Not sure he was an owner, or a superintendent, or a landlord,” she added. “He’s the angry guy,” she continued. “Do you know the era?” asked Paula. “I would say early 1900’s,” answered Lisa. “I feel like they’re all meshing together now. It’s so weird!” Lisa exclaimed. The group then entered the unit across the hall. “I feel like people see something in this window,” Lisa said. “Who or what would they see?” asked Paula. “A man, in his 40’s with brown hair. He just stares out the window,” Lisa stated. “He’s harmless,” she added. As the group headed towards the stairs, Paula asked a very good question. “Why is everyone still here?” she asked. “They’re attached,” replied Lisa.
The group headed down the main staircase to the first floor. They ended up in a large room behind the staircase. “I don’t like this room at all,” stated Lisa. Some of the other group had rejoined. “What does Jay have to say?” Rachel asked Alison. “He feels that the connecting building has activity, and that that activity permeates back and forth,” she replied. Alison then turned her attention back to Lisa. “So, you don’t like this room?” she asked her. “I feel very negative. Very, very negative,” replied Lisa. It was all quiet for a moment when Lisa’s voice broke the silence. “So, did someone hang themselves?” she asked. Alison was a bit flabbergasted. “So, I was upstairs, and I asked them the same thing!” she exclaimed. “But they have no records. Then Jay comes in the room we were in and says, ‘Who hung themselves’,” she continued. “I just got that somebody hung themselves here. Like not in this particular room, but in the building,” stated Lisa. Alison agreed with Lisa. “Was it a male? Who hung themselves?” asked Alison. “Yup,” replied Lisa. The group then went on to discuss how their walkthroughs went. Both Alison and Lisa had the same experience of someone playing with there hair on the upper floors. It was then time to visit the basement.
The group headed down the main staircase to the first floor. They ended up in a large room behind the staircase. “I don’t like this room at all,” stated Lisa. Some of the other group had rejoined. “What does Jay have to say?” Rachel asked Alison. “He feels that the connecting building has activity, and that that activity permeates back and forth,” she replied. Alison then turned her attention back to Lisa. “So, you don’t like this room?” she asked her. “I feel very negative. Very, very negative,” replied Lisa. It was all quiet for a moment when Lisa’s voice broke the silence. “So, did someone hang themselves?” she asked. Alison was a bit flabbergasted. “So, I was upstairs, and I asked them the same thing!” she exclaimed. “But they have no records. Then Jay comes in the room we were in and says, ‘Who hung themselves’,” she continued. “I just got that somebody hung themselves here. Like not in this particular room, but in the building,” stated Lisa. Alison agreed with Lisa. “Was it a male? Who hung themselves?” asked Alison. “Yup,” replied Lisa. The group then went on to discuss how their walkthroughs went. Both Alison and Lisa had the same experience of someone playing with there hair on the upper floors. It was then time to visit the basement.
The entire team had joined back together to venture into the basement. “I feel nauseous down here,” said Lisa. As the team made their way farther back into the basement, it was noted that the ceiling seemed to get lower. Sheena and Jay were the closest to the back of the building, where they both seem to feel that something or someone was hiding or buried down there. Our walkthrough of the basement was short, as Lisa had to remove herself as she was feeling quite sick. But she did make sure to point out that towards the back, where Jay and Sheena had ventured, something was there. As we stood in the main floor hallway, Jay described seeing a little boy. “I don’t know who he is,” he said. “7 to 9 years old, really chubby. Brown pants, red suspenders, off-white shirt. He has a pig nose – flat and turns up. Really chubby in the cheeks,” described Jay. “No name?” asked Kara. “Not that I get,” replied Jay. “There’s a big-time alcohol here,” he continued. “As well as a middle-aged woman, ‘Mom’, brunette,” he described as the team made their way out of the building.
The team took quick break to decompress. The weather had cleared up, and although it was still gloomy, the rain had stopped. We stood outside with the contractor (who currently lives on the property), as well as neighbours of the building, discussing a few things. After gathering our thoughts and mapping out a plan, we headed back into the building to continue our investigation.
It was now time to do our Live Video session. Check out the video below to see we did and what happened during our time there!
The team took quick break to decompress. The weather had cleared up, and although it was still gloomy, the rain had stopped. We stood outside with the contractor (who currently lives on the property), as well as neighbours of the building, discussing a few things. After gathering our thoughts and mapping out a plan, we headed back into the building to continue our investigation.
It was now time to do our Live Video session. Check out the video below to see we did and what happened during our time there!
After the live video, the team headed back up to the third floor. We decided to try an experiment in one of the front units. This experiment was done with the P-SB7 ghost box. Rachel sat on a chair, plugged in a pair of noise cancelling heading to the ghost box, closed her eyes and listened. Other team members asked questions (that Rachel could not hear). Rachel would then say anything she heard, out loud. The following are the questions and responses:
Q: Anybody in here with us?
A: You
Q: Who are you?
A: In here
Q: Did you have any children?
A: Eight
Q: What were their names?
A: Adam, ‘T’, Paul
Q: Did your husband live with you?
Q: How did you die?
A: Death
Q: Age?
A: No
Q: How did you die?
A: Male; Female.
Q: Did you die from drugs?
A: No; Not here; House.
Q: Where was the house?
A: Pretty
Q: Are you Male or Female?
A: Trouble
Q: Are you male or female?
A: Three
Q: Did you die when it was a hotel?
A: I don’t know.
Q: How many dead people are in this building
A: You
Q: Who are you?
A: In here
Q: Did you have any children?
A: Eight
Q: What were their names?
A: Adam, ‘T’, Paul
Q: Did your husband live with you?
- No response.
Q: How did you die?
A: Death
Q: Age?
A: No
Q: How did you die?
A: Male; Female.
Q: Did you die from drugs?
A: No; Not here; House.
Q: Where was the house?
A: Pretty
Q: Are you Male or Female?
A: Trouble
Q: Are you male or female?
A: Three
Q: Did you die when it was a hotel?
A: I don’t know.
Q: How many dead people are in this building
- No response.
As the activity began to slow down, we decided to call it a night. We gathered our equipment and exited the building. It seemed that the building had more to tell us, but it wasn’t ready that evening. We plan to return to this location before it is opened for tenants. Hopefully, with the renovations completed, those who still visit and call this place home will share more stories and we can have a clearer understanding of who is there and give them back their identities. Do we believe that this location is haunted? Yes! Do we believe it is cursed or evil? No. What we do believe is that there are former tenants, owners and guests that have return to keep an eye out for their building and to have their stories known.
**Please keep in mind that this location is private property. Trespassing is strictly prohibited, and the site is under 24-hour surveillance. Please respect the property and its owner**
**Please keep in mind that this location is private property. Trespassing is strictly prohibited, and the site is under 24-hour surveillance. Please respect the property and its owner**